Benefits of Massage for runners


For years, runners have recognized that a good massage can significantly aid their recovery after a challenging race or workout.

In addition to feeling good, massages can also reduce stress and promote relaxation before a crucial race. The question is, when is the best time to schedule your massage and how can you get the most out of every session, considering the cost?



When should a runner get a massage? Knowing when to schedule a massage is key to achieving optimal results. But first it’s important to understand the benefits. This will help you determine the best time for your session.

  • Deep Tissue Massage

Deep Tissue Massage is known to stimulate the circulatory system, which improves blood flow to your muscles. This results in an influx of oxygen-rich blood, flushing out byproducts of hard exercise and delivering fresh nutrients. Aside from the circulatory benefits, regular deep tissue massages can also reduce muscle soreness, improve range of motion, and break up scar tissue or adhesions that can restrict muscle movement

  • Sports Massage

Sports massage tends to focus more on mobility and injury prevention rather than recovery. It uses deep tissue massage techniques with assisted stretching and mobility work to keep you flexible and strong.


When should a runner get a massage to Maximize Benefits

  • Before a run

Give your body three to five days after a massage before you race. This helps your body recover and ensures that you’re not undoing the benefits of the massage with a hard workout 12 to 24 hours later. Getting a massage before a run requires time for recovery, so make the next couple of days light.

  • After a run

If you get a massage after, try to schedule your massage after an easy run. You want your muscles to be relatively relaxed and not in a highly fatigued state.

We don’t recommend getting a massage after a hard session or a long run. This will only contract your muscles, introduce more waste products, and cause further muscle fatigue. All  which will reduce the benefits of the massage.

It’s never recommended to get a massage the day of a marathon or the day after it. After a race of this intensity, there’s substantial muscular damage, including inflammation. It’s best to let your body heal itself for the first one to two days. You can schedule a massage later in the week, after three to five days, when your body has dealt with the acute symptoms of post-marathon soreness and muscle damage.



Massage therapy can be especially beneficial during periods of intense training. If you’re increasing your weekly mileage, preparing for a marathon, or pushing yourself with fast-paced workouts, you’re putting your body under increased stress. To help prevent injuries, recovery is key. This is where massage plays a big role.

Pairing massage with proper recovery will help you get the most out of your massage sessions, and give you the ability to recover more quickly. With a little extra care, you’ll be able to train more effectively and achieve your goals faster.


Book Now

If you are a runner and are interested in a massage, give us a try. Send us a message with any questions or book your appointment directly from our website here. Hope to see you soon!